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Our certifications

We understand our responsibility to source and supply certificated products from authorized growers. With certifications, we ensure that our products and business operations are in accordance with the rules for organic produce. With important certifications such as Global G.A.P., Skal, GRASP, SMETA and organic EU, we promote safety and health for the environment and people.

Global G.A.P. is an authorization with standards for the certification of agricultural products.

Skal biocontrol is an independent supervisor of reliable organic products in the Netherlands.

The GRASP certification ensures the health, safety and welfare for the workers.

All our products have the organic EU logo, which means they fulfill all restrictions for organic produce.

SMETA is one of the most used audits and combines the best practices with corporate social responsibility.

Get to know us

Puro Mundo has the most tasty and fresh organic fruits and vegetables, of certified growers from all over the world. Our partners share the same values; fair and tasty products and a safe and healthy environment for everyone. Puro Mundo is a Roveg Fruit brand with over 20 years of experience in the import and export of both conventional and organic products.